Hydroponic Fodder Machine


Hydroponic green fodder can be produced both in large, sophisticated, automated commercial systems with environmental control, or in low cost systems, where the ambient environment is suitable for fodder production. Fodder seeds utilize tap water, or nutrient-enriched solutions for plant nourishment in the absence of soil. Hydroponic fodder is also called fresh fodder biscuits, sprouted fodder or sprouted grain or alfa culture. Today, hydroponics are used in harsh climates such as deserts, areas with poor soil or in urban areas where high land costs have driven out traditional agriculture. Hydroponic fodder production is probably best-suited to semi-arid, arid, and drought-prone regions of the world, suffering from chronic water shortages or in areas where irrigation infrastructure does not exist. Hydroponic fodder production is a boon for farmers whose soil is rocky and infertile. It is a viable farmer friendly alternative technology for landless farmers for fodder production. Fodders including maize, barley, oats, sorghum, rye, alfalfa and triticale can be produced by hydroponics.

Hydroponic fodder growing system 50 kg / 100 kg / 150 kg per day


  • Year round cultivation, at any climatic conditions in 1/5th of required land
  • 5-25 times higher yield vs. volume of field crops
  • Only 5-10% of water required as against field crops
  • Irrigation by speed & time controls thereby saving water/fertilizers
  • Minimum power requirements with space & energy savings
  • Minimal labor required
  • large savings on capital & operating costs over field agriculture
  • Easily scalable from small to very large production systems


  • Allows digestive system of animals to function with maximum efficiency
  • Delivers year round clean & fresh fodder with high nutrition values
  • Increases red blood cell count and oxygen in blood system
  • Provides high quality protein, enzymes and vitamins
  • Contains anti-Oxidants, anti-ulcer and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Comprises Folic Acid, Omega-3, Fatty Acids, Chlorophylls
  • No soil borne diseases, hence no fungi or weeds to deal with
  • Forage increases the fertility rate and reduces the fetal mortality/abortion
  • Increases lactation/milk yield by up to 10-15 %.
Day wise process

Why to choose us?

  • 1 paisa per kg cost for production
  • 1-5 ratio for seed to fodder conversion
  • Automatic controller for watering and humidity control
  • No bacterial and fungal growth with patented water treatment technology
  • Special net cover for light control

We manufacture fodder machine as per customer requirements.

For more details get in touch with us.

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