Digital Artificial Insemination Technology

Human Errors In Present AI Procedure

  • Preservation & transportation of semen straw
  • At the point of AI 38 deg. temperature of semen not maintained.
  • Blind procedure & lack of experience to hold & locate exact position of cervix do deposit semen.

This Technology Eliminates Human Errors Increases Success Rate Of Cattle Pregnancy

  • Use of our thaw monitor with digital temperature controlled water heating container maintains 38 deg. temperature of water ensures proper thawing of semen straw.
  • After thawing our digital microscope give visual check of sperm mortality. That ensures insemination of good quality semen.
  • After confirmation of sperm mortality use of our digital video endoscope guided with AI gun which carries the semen ensures proper deposition of semen inside cervix at exact position.

  • Before and till today Uterus diagnosis done by inserting hand in the large intestine. Due to this there is a bleeding in the large intestine. During this process more chances of entering cattle dung on or inside cattle Vaginal route, if no precaution taken then this dung enters Uterus this causes Infection.
  • To increase conceptions, Thawing is necessary step. A typical temperature is required to keep ‘semen straw’ in the water bath for a specific time. By use of A. I. Kit ‘Thawing’ can carried out at required temperature.
  • This Semen Straw carried in nitrogen continer (LNC) because of low nitrogen level sometimes sperms inside the straw get permently damage. with our innovative product digital microscope after thawing we can inspect live sperms under microscope attach to mobile.
  • With digital Ivet scope attach to mobile phone we can see live artificial insemination inside cervix

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