Frequently Asked Question
1). Does the cow or buffalo feel any pain due to Milk Extraction Machine?
Ans: No. Only the required and controlled amount of pressure is delivered to the liners. The teats are only squeezed and not pulled. When person extract milk manually, the teats are pulled, which may cause harm to the cow or buffalo. Only enough vacuum is delivered to the liners so that the feels like calf is sucking.
2). Does the change in size and shape of the teats give the same performance from the machine?
Ans: Yes, because the liner is made from a soft rubber. Due to the pressure exerted by the vacuum the shape of the liner changes. The shell attaches itself to the teats and. When the pressure of the vacuum is applied, the shape of the liners is altered as the size of teats.
3). What happens if the machine is kept running after the milk extraction is over?
Ans: The Machine squeezes the teats and does not pull it. the cow does not even feel pain.
4) How much time is required to milk extraction of a cow?
Ans: It takes 5 to 6 minutes to milking of a cow and 7 to 8 minutes to milking of a buffalo.
5) Is there a need to first let the calf suck the milk and then attach the machine?
Ans: There is no need to do such a thing with a cow. However, for a buffalo, this might be necessary.
6) Does the machine take entire milk out?
Ans: No, the machine takes out 90-95% the milk, 10-100ml milk remain in udder that has to milk manually. There is a 10 to 15% increase in the yield as compared to manual milking, when a machine is used.
7) From day 1 cow or buffalo give milk if machine use?
Ans: Some cows or buffalo scared because of machine sound so we recommend for 1st 1 or 2 days keep machine near cattle and do manual milking so animal get used to machine sound and after that start using machine. This method useful for scared cattle.